When self-doubt creeps in, remember this.

Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10-million dollar check for “acting services rendered,” dated it for Thanksgiving 1995. The day before Thanksgiving, he found out he was going to make $10M filming “Dumb and Dumber.” (One of my top 10 movies, btw.)

On October 25, 2021, I wrote myself a check for $50,000 for “creative services,” and gave myself a deadline of 5 years. This project was a product of a coaching program conducted by Scotty Russell, to help creatives narrow their focus and put their “side-hustle” to action.

I have always been a self-doubter for a majority of my life, and a lot of my artwork reflects the kinds of messages that I need to remind myself of. I have a dream to be commissioned to do a mental health campaign for companies I support, such as Nike, or for this instance, Starbucks. I imagined what it would be like if I did, and this is what came of that.